I guess before each snow storm (and even sometimes when there is no storm to follow) there is a wind storm. Because of the previous rain there wasn’t much sand flying around in the wind. However, it was still ear and nose biting cold, which really made going using the bathroom at night an adventure.
I was trying to fall asleep the other night amongst one of these wind storms and couldn’t as I was compelled to do mathematical equations in my head. I was trying to figure out at what velocity the wind would need to reach to blow down my tent. This brings me to the other reason I couldn’t sleep… the crashing and banging sounds my tent was making in the storm had me convinced we were fairly close to that critical velocity. Good news is by morning the wind had died down, my tent was still standing, and I had freshened up on some Newtonian physics I hadn’t thought about in years. My tent mates informed me that no one sleeps on nights before storms… looks like I have some fun midnight math and physics problem solving in my future.
I am attaching some more fun pictures for you...
This is the truck I get to drive around. I share it with my 2 coworkers. And yes we mounted the antenna ourselves, and no it does not help get radio stations from outerspace.
This is the first book I finished here. It is written by a friend of mine I met on my last assignment at Fort Benning, GA. Cheers Colonel Bill if you’re reading this.
This is one of the Germans hangout rooms. I have to walk through it every day to get to my office. Sometimes they have parties in there while I am still working and I can hear their techno music and the clanking of beer bottles. For now I will just have to live vicariously through them… and each of you at home.
This I came across this gem in the German PX... it made me laugh.
I am still well and healthy and God willing I will stay this way. I miss you all and look forward to coming home in a few months. Till then I will keep you posted on my life in the sandbox.
Teresa, it is so good to hear how much fun you're having. Wind and snow all in one day. It don't get any better than that!- Col Bill